02 October 2008

ms f creates a contest.

want to be a winner?

help me think of a good, juicy storyline for a soap opera about the middle ages.

in about a month, my students will be writing and performing brief scenes from their very own telenovelas about (cue dramatic music) THE MIDDLE AGES!!!!!

here's a little teaser i created this week to get them in the mood (please feel free to applaud my gratutious use of dramatic trailer music).

here's where you come in.

i don't really watch soap operas. but i have to create a sample to show students what i expect from them. i'll be filming the sample with some of my old students, but we need a script before i can film. i'm hitting a bit of a mental roadblock when thinking up plot points.

so, i need ideas for a mildly ridiculous but still funny and historically accurate storyline that includes the following things:
  • a far off bloody war (The Crusades)
  • traveling to a new land (The Silk Road)
  • incurable disease (The Black Death)
  • new art/science/technology (The Renaissance)
  • turning your back on the church (The Protestant Reformation)

The person who provides me with the best overall plot for a Medieval soap will get a free drink from ms f upon our next meeting!

Additionally, the person who gives me the best title suggestion for my fake soap opera will also get a free drink!

This contest ends on October 10th.

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